Aim Big

Whats going on, team?

In previous posts, I’ve mentioned how powerful the imagination is.  How you can use the paintbrush of your mind to illustrate a portrait of how your life will be.  Your inner-self KNOWS what you need to be happy.  So that comes with a certain level of trust and your brain admitting that it doesn’t know everything, despite the best of intentions.

What I’ve come to realize on my own journey is that when you let your imagination run wild, you become more infatuated with what you want to do with the rest of your life.

Last friday I wrote in my journal that the defining moment of my career would be to give a motivational video from space.  Thats right, outer-friggen-space.  That would be so cool.  Thats the dream.

I knew that in order for me to get on that level, to achieve the fame and notoriety to be allowed into space to give a speech, I have to become a speaker first.  And what to speakers talk about?  Life experience, motivation, and what makes people successful.  I’m studying successful people more seriously now more than ever.  I almost dropped $70 on books in the airport the other day because I got so excited by what I saw on the shelf.

I got really excited, and I know in my gut that I’m on the right path.

Set expectations for yourself, big goals, and you’ll be surprised by what the universe delivers to you.

No goal is too big.

Have a great week,


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