Its The Thought That Counts…

…and thats all that matters.

Whats going on, Team?

This week, I was out with a friend and we were talking about gifts we had recieved from friends and family.  Granted, we should always be grateful for gifts that are given to us from people that care about and love us.  But sometimes, while these gifts have great intentions, the gifts themselves are often less than perfect.  When this happens we tend to tell ourselves “Well…its the thought that counts!”

I thought about how we use that phrase for a moment, and realized something about the intent of action.

When you try something new, and you fail, its The Thought That Counts

When you ask that special someone out on a day, and they say no, its The Thought That Counts

When you make your first investment, or start that business, or whatever financial endeavors you embark on, and it goes horriblyits The Thought That Counts.

Because at the end of the day, at least you tried.  And if you did fail, ask yourself several questions:

1-What are you going to do about it?

2-How bad do you want this thing?

3-What did you learn from this experience?  Be hard on yourself!

If you can answer these questions honestly, knowing that the answers are true to you, then you’re already on the path for more success.

See, when you try new things to work on accomplish your goals, your mind begins to rewire itself in order to bring those new things into your life!  And when you take action, its your subtle call to the universe to make whatever you want in your life to happen!

Tony Robbins has been cited for saying that taking decisive action is the key to success.  So when you put THOUGHT behind whatever you try and do, you will achieve it.


Have a great weekend, everyone.



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