
Whats going on, Team?

I’d like to apologize for the lapse in between posts.  I’ve been dealing with some personal stuff, school, and life in general.  I should be using this blog as a means to vent this frustration into something productive, and Its time to get back into that.

This week, I’d like to talk to you about using negative energy for productivity.

Last time I posted I talked about choice.  And this post is more  or less an extension.

See, life is full of frustrations.  Failing a test, getting yelled at by your boss, watching your kids soccer team lose, losing a bet with a friend, a bad break up, whatever.  Life is full of reasons to get you upset.

And when you feel these emotions, this anger, there are more or less two options.

First-You can let these feelings consume you.  You can choose to hold a grudge, act out towards the people that love you.  You allow yourself to dig a hole and ignore the emotions you feel.


Second-You can churn this energy into something productive.  Do something that makes you or someone else happy.  Express that emotion in some form or another.  Art!  Music!  Poetry!  Talk to a professional!  Work  on your hobby!  Go workout and burn off some of that energy!  Do something that produces something!  Whatever!

Speaking from experience, I know the first option is really easy and something that you instinctively want to do.  I personally, would like nothing more to curl up on my bed and watch Netflix for several days when something bad happens to me.  BUT I’ve learned that is probably the worst things that I can do for me.  Its a temporary escape and doesn’t force me to deal with the problem head on.  At that point, I push it off to the side and essentially ignore it.  However, the more I ignore the problem, the larger it becomes.  Eventually, it becomes this behemoth that is almost impossible to confront head on alone.  Its daunting, and scarier than ever before.

Moral of the story: Figure out what works best for you to express your emotions and gain a clear head to address your problems directly.  Try different things, take some action, and ultimately take care of yourself.

You got this,


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